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The absolute rigor as the golden rule of proper journalistic information. It is only by checking numbers, statistics, political statements and characters, that the report becomes credible and the journalist becomes reliable. It is closed on this recommendation the Annual Congress of the FEJS, the Forum for European Journalism Students, which was held in Turin, at Campus Einaudi, which involved hundreds of young European journalists and with the sponsorship of the Master in Journalism 'Giorgio Bocca', of the University of Turin and the contribution of the Compagnia di San Paolo.

"When a politician speaks - said Nadia Vissers, international coordinator of the journalism lecturer of the department of management and communication of Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool in Antwerp - is essential to check with the utmost care and attention, what you will have to bring in the article". Therefore, it has got to be recalled the site, an online European anthology of true and false statements emerged from press conferences or speeches.

Then, discovering the veracity of figures and percentages becomes the goal of actual journalism, thanks to the aid of authoritative sources. And this is the point that Vissers has marked, recalling an important project conducted in Finland:, the 'factcheck' service, which aims to bring precision to the public electoral debate. Faktabaari is a neutral journalistic project that uses the Internet and social media for the collection and distribution of information on the events, run on a voluntary basis by a staff of professional journalists and European experts.